
From the early 1960s until 2016 Martinsfield was the home of the only well maintained outdoor playing pitches in Denham, providing for football, cricket and an indoor social and sports facility. Initially developed for the employees of the Martin-Baker Company, by the early 2000's it had opened up for use by the whole community. Due to funding issues and extensive vandalism the Club Building was demolished and the facilities remained empty and unused from 2016.

Denham Parish Council led initial discussions with John Martin, joint chairman of the Martin-Baker Company, on the future of Martinsfield. These initial discussions identified that there was still support for the continued use of Martinsfield as a sports related facility. Matt was commissioned to produce a feasibility study for the Parish Council to help realise the future opportunities of the site.

An understanding of the site was developed through a series of site surveys, in-depth research and client workshops, that offered in-sights into the potential interventions. Two options were proposed to increase the usability of the site, improve access and routes through, and re-provide indoor sports and social facilities. 

The football pitches have now been reconditioned and are the proud home of Denham FC, conversations about the provision of further facilities are ongoing. 


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